Vacations and Time Off

To the Hybrid Boomer. I appreciate your support.

To disconnect or not?

Hybrid Boomers, do not forgo your vacations and time off! It is extremely important that you get away from “work” and out of the house to recharge and rejuvenate. You will come back refreshed and ready to take on the work that can wait until you return. Yes, it can wait and the company will not fail because you are taking the time that was allotted to you and that you earned!

I have found that since making the transition to working from my house permanently, it is even more important to schedule time off from work to mentally get away from the office that has invaded my home. It makes you ponder the question, should you really step all the way away from work during vacations and time off? Should you totally disconnect by turning off your laptop, phone, or other electronic devices that connect you to the office? I vote yes! Shutdown your laptop and everything else that can lure you away from your time off. Stay out of your home office or workspace, and for heavens sake, do not read email! If you have a company provided cell phone, turn it off.

I have friends and co-workers who complete work tasks and read email the entire time that they are on vacation. Their logic is that work will pile up, something urgent will come up that needs their immediate attention, they will miss out on an important announcement, or the company will not function if they cannot be reached!

Take a real vacation and disconnect the devices that tie you to the office! Be present mentally and physically for family and friends, or better yet, be there for you!

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